Tuesday, December 05, 2006

#37: Finally Past the Quarter Century Mark

A few weeks ago, when I was still 25, I sat in a morning meeting at work, the hem of my left pant leg held in place by an intricate web of scotch tape (which stuck surprisingly well) and paper clips (the actual hem had mysteriously disintegrated sometime in the 30 minutes it took me to get to work), when I noticed yet another bruise on my arm that I must have suffered when I fell flat on my face chasing after the dog (who was chewing on one of my $150 shoes).

Here's to a better year of being me.

December 1st I turned 26 and I gotta say, it's starting out pretty darn good. Right this very minute, I'm sitting in a completely cleaned apartment. That I did not clean. Major kudos to Sir for spending the entire second day of my birthday weekend cleaning and doing laundry. I helped do a little folding, but that is all the work I participated in. And it was awesome. He better be careful though, I could get used to this not having to lift a finger thing.

On my birthday, I took the day off work, slept in, got a hair cut, bought some Christmas presents, opened my birthday presents, and went to eat at my favorite Chapel Hill restaurant. And had cake. The cake deserves its own sentence. I love me some cake. (Well, really, I love me some frosting. But frosting just doesn't taste right unless there is some cake attached to balance out the sweetness. Plus I'd look weird walking into a bakery asking for a "frosting.")

Last year was a rebuilding year for me. Getting engaged, moving, being unemployed, temping, becoming reemployed, planning a wedding, getting a dog... that's a lot of life changes to go through in a measly 12 months. Year 25 was constantly unstable - it felt like Sir and I picked our way through the last year like we were both blindfolded. With each decision we made, we never knew if we'd make it to the next paycheck, the next job interview, the next month in North Carolina.

My hope for my 26th year is that we are more stable. That I am able to enjoy typing up a Column with a sleeping puppy-dog curled up against my left arm, my fiance playing a computer game across the room instead of worrying about all the things that might happen if I put off grocery shopping for another day. (We won't have food for lunch tomorrow, which means we'll eat out, which means spending more money, which means we'll go broke, loose the apartment, have to sell our furniture, and wander around homeless with Oakley tied to our dirty, disgusting belt loops with twine and beg for change on the interstate exit ramp! At times I have a vivid imagination.)

The forecast for year 26 is favorable. Sir and I both have steady, full-time employment and both received big "we trust you" assignments last week. Sir's school is going well. We made it through our first Thanksgiving, just us, with minor drama and kitchen mishaps (I had to cook the damn turkey an extra hour! An entire extra HOUR and it still had some pink inside). We bought our very first piece of brand spankin, never been owned before furniture - a beautiful solid wood dining table. Mr. Oakie-Pokie has graduated from obedience training and will be taking a more advanced class in the spring. He can sit, lie down, shake, give five, wait, stay, and if we try really really hard and have a scrumptious treat (read: hot dog) and there are no other people/birds/cats/dogs/etc. around, he'll come when called. We have it on good authority (Oakley's girlfriend, another little black lab mix he adores chasing around, is owned by one of our apartment's leasing agents) that our apartment's rent won't increase that much when we have to renew our lease. Our wedding planning is ... going. We're still waiting on a couple of pieces of vital information (such as, who the heck is going to officiate this thing?) but that will all come together in time, I have no doubt. Just like everything else I've gone through here, Sir is right there beside me, eager to help.

Awww. Couldn't ya'll just puke from the sweetness? Sorry, reflecting brings out the sugar in me I guess. Or maybe it's just all the extra frosting I've eaten the past two days.

Happy 26th to me.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Encore! Encore!Love these columns as it is a peek into your heart and life. Enjoy evry precious 26 yr old minute!

12:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

pronoun reference problem "as they are not it is ".

12:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Crap! spelling error "every not evry"

12:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe I should just call. Ha!

12:16 PM  

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