Saturday, August 18, 2007

# 41: So This is Awkward

Hi. It's been awhile, hasn't it. Wow 5 months? Really? You look good. Have you lost some weight? ... This is a little awkward, meeting you like this. I've been meaning to write, you know. No, really I have! I even started to write once - about the wedding. But it got so long (it's sitting right around 10 pages) and I didn't want to bore you. I mean, our wedding wasn't boring, but nothing went wrong. And stuff going wrong makes me seem funny. I'll eventually post the wedding story, but I need more time. I want it to be accurate, but I also want it to be entertaining and 10 pages of "and then we went out to eat with our parents" is not entertaining. (Except maybe to our parents - hi parents! I can't believe I have four of you now!)

But I admit that I have been slacking. So! Here is what I've been up to since April:

1. I became Mrs. Sir

2. My husband and I went to Jamaica for our honeymoon (This is the view from our room.)

3. Got me a new computer as a wedding present from my dear husband (Oakie says "I'm stealin' ur internetz.")

4. I read the new and last (sniff) Harry Potter (Oakie enjoyed it but felt there were one or two instances of misrepresentations of character.) (And no, I did not pose him for this picture.)

And finally -
5. Worked. And worked and worked and worked and worked. In fact, I would say that since we got back from our honeymoon, I have stayed late at work 75 percent of the time because I have so much work to do. I even brought work home to do this weekend - which is nuts. Everyone knows that weekends are for sleeping in late and going to the movies (which just goes to show you that I am in no way ready to have kids).

Hmm. Besides the wedding, I have been a boring-ass person this summer. No wonder I haven't updated. ("Dear online journal, Today I worked a lot! Love, Me")

Anyway, I'm glad we're talking again. I kind of missed you!

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