Thursday, June 03, 2004

#16: Lazing is my new favorite hobby

Sir has finally met all the members of my nuclear family. Mom, Dad, Sarah, her boyfriend, Sir and I went out to dinner the other night. I thought it was going to be awkward. Then I spilled my strawberry lemonade all over my end of the table and everyone laughed. It's nice to see how Making Fun of Me can bring others closer together.

My parents emphatically approved of Sir. Well, Mom emphatically approved for both her and Dad. But Dad and Sir seemed to get along swimmingly (mental picture: Dad and Sir swimming in a synchronized fashion wearing matching swimming suits and nose plugs. Hee.) The weekend after next I think Sir and I are going to go over to Mom and Dad's for a BBQ. Yum.

Last weekend Sir and I also ventured Up North (which, to you non-Minnesotans, means a trip to a lake house/cabin where one generally lazes about on, in or near the water.) with The Troubadour, Slayer, Deuce, MoD, Little J, and ... Bigger J (not their real names)(wow, I've created quite the cast of characters haven't I?).

We lazed, we boated, we ate, we drank, we got sun burned. The weekend, summed up in a dozen words.

I did promise to mention that Sir "conquered" the ice-cold water to swim out to Little J and I as we putted around in the paddle boat. Of course the reason he swam out to us was not, to our displeasure, to bring us drinks and/or pretty things, but to tip us over. Luckily, hypothermia was starting to set in and Sir could barely summon the strength to climb aboard our tiny craft. Unluckily, because Sir weighs almost as much as Little J and I combined, he almost tipped us over anyway.

I also faced an embarrassing defeat at Disney Monopoly. Let me tell you, it's 10 times worse to be going bankrupt with Goofy jeering at you than the regular Monopoly guy. Problem was I had convinced myself I had just made the sweetest property trade ever - I had all the greens AND all the blues, that's one whole side of the board! But before anyone could even make it to my properties, I landed on TWO of Troubadour's hotel spaces. Whoops there go my houses... and my property... and my dignity. Troubadour has got some mad Monopoly skilz, yo. He whupped us all. And so what if I quit before I lost? At least then I didn't technically lose!

The whole brood of us made our way over to Zorba's for yummy Up North pizza Saturday night. Zorba's restaurants are only located on lakes Up North and, I don't know if it's because you are exhausted from being in the sun all day or if you're just glad to imbibe something that doesn't contain alcohol, they have the best tasting pizza EVER. We had to battle some small children for control of the remote for the giant TV in the room where we ate, but there were eight of us and only two of them. So we sat and ate the best tasting pizza EVER while watching "A Knight's Tale." We tried to keep up a conversation but all of us were dead tired from sitting around on our butts all day in the sun. How does that work? I'm not sure, but it happens. Try it some time.

I plan to try it again next week when I take my FREE TRIP to Mississippi. I am so excited to see where Sir grew up. Well, where he spent the majority of his high school and college years anyway. He's probably getting sick of telling me about all the things we're going to see and do while we're there. But I've been counting down the days, hours and minutes since I found out our what our flight schedule was. Currently? 6 days, 15 hours, 40 minutes until our flight leaves.

Not that I'm looking forward to it at all.
